All Categories Release Notes V1.2 - 12th Jan 2023

V1.2 - 12th Jan 2023

Here is what's new in build version, January 12, 2023

New Features implemented:

  • Feature of multi concurrent license type;

  • Feature to import/export user individual resources.

Major Improvements applied:

  • Windows default installation directory changed to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Forsint';

  • Workspace/Screen naming using non-English characters;

  • All required files locations has been improved and changed to short path;

  • Loading spinner when opening software;

  • 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)' prerequisite has been added to the installer;

  • This release also includes some minor security improvements regarding licenses;

Bug Fixes:

  • Copy/paste feature from one screen to another screen;

  • Software crash when user double-click to open workspace;

  • Long user email when does not fit to 'About' dialog;

  • Two times click to start typing while user opened more than one screen;

  • Fixed minor installation and uninstallation issues on virtual machines;

  • Fixed minor Workspace freezes when opening some pages;

  • Issue of opening two "Forsint" instances at the same time when user double-click logout button;

  • "WhatsApp" web opening;

  • Issues when users need to wait 10minutes to re-login to different machine;

  • Some other minor software issues.

SHA256 Hash:
Windows Installer - bd45c0b3767eace9f58f3598f8b1952a61df67363051f726e3003cac84159e5c
Linux Installer - 78d286f73359d42a5a361ab4fe6900f1e08eaacd409fe041be5b34c66f7dde3a

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