All Categories Release Notes V2.1 - 20th June 2023

V2.1 - 20th June 2023

Here is what's new in build version, June 20, 2023

New Features implemented:

  • Feature to copy Regex;

  • User is able to enable/disable each Regex even built-in;

  • Edit name and value of the Regex;

Major Improvements applied:

  • Added ExifTool in the installation package of Windows/Linux Ubuntu;

  • Both Regex lists to be ordered by name;

  • Possibility to add a longer Regex value;

  • Some Pop-ups UI improvements;

Bug Fixes:

  • Minor issues while checking proxy;

  • Home page link;

  • Text cursor not always visible in input field when editing or creating Workspace/Proxy;

SHA256 Hash:
Windows Installer - d71483b0a060d2d1b0de733aae265c8dfd5ee3adc72ea7dacfe6dfd3b1dbb5f7
Linux Installer - 0bc20684e3dad7c87e3178747d76ecbf4357231fdd9be2e95102e5b0cff9a591

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